Pledged Floors and a Long Weekend

The long weekend was great. There was grilled meat, a beach day, drinking with friends, a Cubs’ game, reading, sleeping in, chatting with B, and a two.five hour long walk in the rain. Complete with free sample of Vault for Jen and I, who tasted it and then retched. Turns out coupling green soda with energy drink and adding 47g of sugar is not really a thirst quenching experience. Yech.

I made a flag cake, which turned out well.

This was both delicious and patriotic.

This was both delicious and patriotic.

And to explain the perfection of the Roger’s Park beach:

Look at that beautiful lake.

Look at that beautiful lake.

All in all, it was a great weekend, that of course flew by. If I had to pick a downside, it would be that Sunday afternoon I was very nearly taken out by my kitchen floor. A well meaning JW had decided to not only clean the bathroom and the kitchen, but to also clean the kitchen floor. I am endlessly grateful for this, and the floor looks great.

Except that instead of you know, floor cleaner, he used Pledge. He sprayed it on paper towels and then put them on his feet, ice skating style (or Pippy Longstocking style, if you’ve seen the old Swedish version where she straps scrubbing brushes to her feet) and proceeded to “mop” the floor. Apparently in addition to making the floors glow, it also makes them slippier than a snake. I’ve nearly wiped out on every trip to the kitchen in the past twenty four hours.

You’d be surprised how quickly you forget your floors are deadly when your day gets busy.

In any case, aside from that one mild incident, things were great–hope everyone else had a good weekend too!


Filed under Good times, Near Disaster

3 responses to “Pledged Floors and a Long Weekend

  1. kitchendoor


    I am super impressed.

  2. Pingback: It’s only 10:05!! « Garlic, My Soul

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