dangerous seas ahead.

Hey there chickadees!

We’ve sailed past Monday.

Isn’t that a beautiful thing?

Last night, I headed to hot yoga, where I was able, despite the 100 degree temperature, to launch myself into crow position for more than one second only.

A serious success.

However, only ten minutes later ,I found myself bending into triangle pose and feeling stars spin in front of my face.

Horrified at the prospect of passing out and crashing to the floor in front of all my calm, strong classmates, I crawled onto the ground.

Child’s pose it was.

Hot yoga is hot, chickens.

I still love it.

Post practice, I took myself to Jewel, and tried to stay true to my intention to have a calm week.

Which was hard in Jewel.

For those of you who don’t know, big, normal grocery stores stress me out. They’re full of things like Tombstone frozen pizzas and aisles of soda, and I never know what’s safe to buy.

As opposed to Trader Joe’s, where I pretty much just buy everything.

It was late on a Monday though, and the store was on my way home, so I sucked it up, stuck to the perimeter, and closed my eyes when I walked past the particularly frightening parts.

Like the weird, melon-shaped and colored plastic containers.

To put your melon in.

What’s wrong with a bowl, I ask?

After towing all of my food home after an excruciatingly long trip, I finally made it home, safe to my couch where this was waiting for me.


I don’t know if you know this about me, but Shark Week is my favorite holiday.

It’s the truth. And I have it On Demand, which is even better.

Sharks whenever I want them.

Which is pretty much all the time.

You know where I’ll be the rest of the week, chickens.

Enjoy the sunshine if you’ve got it!



Filed under Chicago, Did I really do that?, Near Disaster, Yoga

2 responses to “dangerous seas ahead.

  1. I’ve been dying to try out hot yoga! I may have to join you sometime soon at Southport and give it a whirl. I’m no where near attempting crow but I will gladly marvel in the glory of your achievement if you promise not to laugh at me as I sweat profusely and try not to pass out.

  2. The obsession with Shark Week CRACKS me up- I don’t really get it, but I say God bless! 🙂 I feel the same way with Jewel. I need to go in with a plan otherwise I will end up buying some crap like cheese in an aerosol can.

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