Daily Archives: November 3, 2014

Take 2(000)

Morning guys! It’s me. Remember? The clumsy blond who is occasionally funny, but better known as a disaster?

I’m back.

Or at least, I’m trying to be.

At the moment Theo is rolling around his sheepskin rug screaming and waving a whale rattle.

He’s my muse, right?

It’s a good test of my focus.

I have no focus, chickens.

Anyway, I thought because November is a month in which you are thankful, and in my life, I have been thankful for writing, that might be a good place to start back up with my observations and the tales I have left to tell.

And while the tales are no longer of distance running and tequila disasters, I like to think they still have some value.

So I woke up this morning with a lot of intention to write about all the things in my life that I’m thankful for.

And then I learned my second lesson on the week in the subject of guess-what-eight-month-olds-bite-when-they-nurse, and then things just kind of went downhill.

Don’t let this cute face distract you from his ferocious tiger jaws.


In any case, there is still much to be grateful for over here in my slightly-more-chaotic-than-even Second City, and I intend on getting back to sharing it with you guys, because man, I’ve missed you.

This morning I will throw up good energy in the direction of Daylight Savings time, because even though it’s now going to be dark when I head out of work, it was light this morning when I woke up to Theo screeching in the living room (thanks be to Jon and his tolerance for the 4:30 am wakeup call), and at this point in my life, I need the sunshine at 6:00 am more than anywhere else.

I’m thankful for sunshine, chickadees.

Enjoy the sunshine if you’ve got it.

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Filed under Did I really do that?, Near Disaster