Daily Archives: November 6, 2014

Five Good Things: It’s been waiting for you edition

Because I’m stuck in meetings all day today, and because yesterday’s post was bittersweet, I thought it might make sense for me to focus on some of the good things happening around here, because chickens, they’re all around us. Here are five.

  1. Despite two work trips sandwiched together, I will be home for the weekend, which means time to relax, recharge, and spend time with my boys. And there is absolutely nothing else I’d rather do.
  2. Taylor Swift’s new album is really doing it for me. Yes, I know I’m 30. Yes, I know she’s crazy. This doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy listening to her sassy songs on repeat while I figure out how I’m going to take over the world (also known as: commuting thoughts).
  3. Boo is pretty much more fun every single day. His newest tricks are army crawling all over the floor, eating muffins two at a time, laughing his little head off, and having very articulate conversations with me consisting of only one syllable words. Having a baby is hard, but man, is it the most fun thing JW and I have ever done (and we’ve done a lot of fun things).
  4. Next week, one of my trips is taking me the way of NYC. New York is one of my favorite cities, and I’m glad I’ll be able to hang for a couple nights, even if it’s a jam packed and fast trip. There’s always enough time for pretzels off the streets and some city views. My love for Chicago is solid, but there’s just something about New York, you guys, that feels like my feet are hitting home pavement.
  5. The holidays are around the corner. And while I’m not planning on getting all crazy Christmas before Thanksgiving, I am already thinking about visits from family and celebrating with Theo for the first year and living in the glow of delicious meals and time with all my best-loved people.

And with that, chickadees, I’m off to spend some time moving through agenda items. I’ll catch you on the other side of this one. Enjoy the sunshine if you’ve got it.

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